Protection With Style

Palisade fencing which is a wall or fence made of wooden sticks joined together has its origins as far back as when people moved from communism to capitalism. This is because before then people lived in communities that believed in sharing whatever little they had and everyone had an equal share.

With the introduction of money and capitalism people became more self-cantered and as such wanted to have their own spaces and thus demarcations came into being. Back in those days wood and hay were in plentiful supply such that they were the obvious choice in material to use to put up these demarcations which were eventually called fences.
The actual origins of the palisade fence as we know it today was from both the Romans and the Greeks as they used it to protect their territories and to build military camps. The original fences were made of thicker wood with the stacks put far apart such that it was easy for the enemy to attack as see what was going on behind the fence.
It was this very reason that they thought of making the wood smaller, closer together and lighter so they could carry it and with time that very concept has been modified to the designs and styles we know today.
Palisade fences are preferred by a lot of people as they are simple and a cheaper option as compared to other fencing materials. They come in many different types of cured woods depending on your preference and they also come in different heights depending on where you want to use the fencing for.
They are usually used as a fence to surround a house and in these instances the bottom of the fence will be submerged into the ground. The top is usually pointed keeping burglars away as they have to think twice about being pricked. For extra protection other people have resorted to electrifying the top spiky parts and this is increasingly becoming more and more popular.
The shorter version of the palisade fence can be used in the garden to separate the grass from the flowers or a vegetable garden. This is quite popular with green fingered people as it also gives a neater look of the yard as a whole.