Entrance Gates: The Doorway To Your Kingdom

Making a good first impression is something that everyone strives for; be it on a blind date, a job interview, or perhaps meeting your soon-to-be step parents for the first time. Nothing helps make an initial impact more than aesthetic elegance. For a first date you might get your hair cut and brush those teeth to a sparkling shine, but what might you do to heighten a good first impression for visitors of your property?
Your entrance gate says a lot. You can imagine that an old, sad monstrosity bristling with rust and sagging under its own weight is certainly not giving guests a welcoming feeling. Like wise, a spiked, angry creature that looks to be defending against wild animals can be an equally unpleasant greeting.
 The range of entrance gates available is immense. From quant, elegant little numbers that say; “relaxed and peaceful,” too proud, grand sentinels that boom; “powerful and respected.” The impression you wish to give guests is certainly your own choice, though you also might consider the impression you wish to give intruders.
 You can imagine that when making a decision as to which house to burgle, a thief generally goes for the one that looks most vulnerable.

In this case, a chest high gate with smooth edges and rounded corners is probably not going to be very intimidating. What would be ideal is a gate that is not only daunting on sight, but also a challenge for anyone who hopes to climb over it.

Many designs skilfully incorporate a visual deterrent right into the structure of the gate itself. Being able to climb an object obviously requires room for foot and hand holds; take away these and you are left with something that can turn away even the most determined of thieves on sight. Best of all, being difficult to climb does not necessarily mean unpleasant to look at. Clever patterns easily hide and disguise what might otherwise appear uninviting to guests.
In conclusion, your entrance gate is the doorway to your kingdom. How are you utilising it to maximum available benefit?