Common Mistakes You Can Avoid When Installing Electric Fencing

It is very easy to make mistakes when installing electric fencing, here are a short list of the most basic and common ones.

Making sure that you have adequate grounding is a very important point and it is also a mistake made very often, there should be at least three or four earthing rods, at least 6 to 8 meters in length that are galvanized and secured with good grounding clamps, quite simply the current needs to return to the charger through good solid grounding otherwise your shock will be weak. Using different kinds of metal in your installation is also a bad idea simply because of the process of electrolysis which for example will corrode metal that is attached to copper and weaken the contact point.

Make sure that any animals on the property are well trained and understand what the electric fence is and what it does; you can do this simply by erecting a smaller fence and electrifying it with a small charge, get your animals to try to cross the fence in some way. This may sound a bit cruel but it will teach all the animals that they cannot go anywhere near the fence.

When building your fence make sure that you do not use too many poles and do not put them too close together, the reason for this is quite simple, if the poles are placed too close together they create too much tension in the wires and put far too much strain on connectors and so on. If anything happens to run into the fence what will happen is that parts of the fence will invariably break because there is not enough give in the fence. A good distance between posts is about 40 meters. Lastly I you are using solar panels to generate the power for your electric fence make sure that the panels face the right way and are properly installed.