CCTV Cameras Switched Off Across Breckland Market Towns

Technology has been taking massive leaps and bounds throughout the last couple of years, and CCTV camera systems are one of the technologies that have been popping up all over the world including in South Africa. Although these cameras are one of the most popular forms of security throughout the world, some areas are struggling with an unsure future when it comes to these marvels of security. Breckland’s five market towns have been affected by a CCTV camera shutdown.

The town of Breckland had their CCTV cameras shutdown by the administrator due to the company that provided the monitoring going into administration. The council of Breckland is worried as they are not sure what the AMS system will do without Advanced Monitoring Solutions running the AMS system. Although they are not sure what to do, their engineers are doing everything in their power to try and rectify the problem.

Thanks to the technical knowledge that they have received from west Norfolk, who have been running a similar CCTV system they are closer to having the CCTV cameras than what they would have been without the knowledge. They are however still not at the stage where they can predict when the cameras will be switched on again. They are however using every resource within their budget to maintain security and monitoring of the entire region. They will also continue to communicate with West Norfolk to find the best solutions and course of action for the future.

Thanks to the quick response from the council after they were made alert of the problems with their CCTV system provider, the system still remains in operation. If it were not for the quick response the system would have been switched of permanently. Although the future of their CCTV cameras is uncertain Breckland is doing everything they can possibly do to ensure that they will still be protected by the CCTV cameras for many years to come.