6 Reasons We Should All Have Our Own Personal CCTV



1. Check on the Kids
Especially if you have young children, having your own personal CCTV system will ensure that you are able to check on their safety at any time.
Check on toddlers while they are sleeping without risking waking them up, or let your kids play in the garden without having to check up on them.

2. Check on Adults
A study whereby a $100 note was left on the floor with a rectangle drawn around it showed that human’s behavior changes when they think they are being watched –
No one attempted to pick up the $100. If we all had our own personal CCTV, everyone would always be on their best behavior.

3. Capture Moments
Your child’s first steps? Your engagement? Your wedding? Having your own personal CCTV would capture all the moments that were too spontaneous to capture with a
digital camera. You could replay all your happiest times and revel in the memories.

4. Where Did I Leave That?
If you’ve lost anything, all you need to do is rewind the footage so that you can have a step-by-step view of exactly where you left your belongings.
This is great for items that always seem to get lost, such as keys and cellphones.

5. What Did I Do Last Night?
Did the party get a bit too crazy? Did you really say that to your boss? If you just can’t remember the night before, all you have to do is rewind to get all the details
on last night’s debauchery.

6. Catch Your Friends Out
We all have Facebook friends that constantly check into glamorous locations. But no one ever posts that they’re going to the doctor’s office to check out that wart.
If you suspect your friends lives are less glamorous than they make them out to be, just check out their live videos!