Store Security

Store security solutions that include security tags used in store items, make use of radio frequency electromagnetic fields.  The reason for this is that the radio-frequency electromagnetic fields are used to transmit data from a security tag that is attached to an item.  This data is then automatically identified and tracked.  Business security can be upped by using this method of in-store security, as the security tag will cause an alarm to be set off, should someone try to steal the item and remove it from the store without the tag being deactivated.

Some of the store security tags used in shop security solutions require batteries in order for the radio-frequency to work properly.  However some security tags are able to function without batteries and are able to source power from the very electromagnetic fields that are used to get data from them.  Some store security tags are able to source power from local power sources and they are also able to send out radio waves.  Radio waves are basically radio frequencies that radiate electromagnetically.

Electronic information can be stored inside security tags and can cause an alarm to go off within a few metres range.  This means that the electronic data can be read within the range of a few metres as well.  Radio frequency identification (RFID) tags are able to be made use of in many different businesses and stores.  Motor vehicle companies also make use of these store security tags in their vehicles.  The use of these RFID tags to make sure that the vehicle is tracked during the assemble process.

Pharmaceutical warehouses also make use of this type of security solution in order to keep track of their production and also to keep track of the movement of their products through various warehouses and lines.  This helps to ensure that the processes move along smoothly and also helps to pick up problems along the way.  In today’s modern ways, people have also started making use of RFID tags when it comes to their pets or even livestock.  Tags can be inserted under animal’s skin to ensure that they can be identified should they get lost or stolen.